What is a sticky bar?
A sticky bar is a horizontal bar that’s placed at the top or bottom of a page on your website and stays visible as the visitor scrolls down.
Sticky bars often contain important messages like shipping information, a special offer, or a call-to-action button.
A sticky bar is a website conversion tool that’s less intrusive than a popup but still grabs attention and drives conversions.
What can sticky bars be used for?
Let’s break down some of the most popular use cases for sticky bars.
1. Navigation
You can use a sticky bar to display your website’s main navigation menu. This allows users to easily access the most important pages on your site without having to scroll up.
2. Calls-to-action
If you have a call-to-action you’re trying to promote, you can use a sticky bar to prominently display it. Sticky bars are a great place to put a “Sign up” or “Buy now” button for maximum visibility. It’s also a great way to collect email addresses.
3. Branding
Many websites use sticky bars to display their logo or other branding elements. This keeps the branding consistent and powerful no matter where the user is on the page.
4. Social media links
If you’re trying to increase your social media followers, you can link to your accounts in your sticky bar.
5. Notifications
Sticky bars are ideal for displaying important notifications like alerts or messages, since they’re so visible. You can also include a button to allow users to take any follow-up action they might need to without scrolling back to the top of the page.
6. Collect feedback
Finally, a sticky bar is a great way to gather feedback without interrupting your visitors’ browsing experience.
3 sticky bar examples
Now let’s take a look at three creative sticky bar examples used for different use cases.
1. Crown & Paw’s free shipping bar
Crown & Paw effectively utilizes a free shipping sticky bar to enhance customer experience and boost conversions.
2. Kiss My Keto’s coupon reminder sticky bar
Kiss My Keto creatively employs a coupon reminder sticky bar to incentivize purchases and engage customers.
3. Solagarden’s browsing reminder sticky banner
Solagarden’s marketing team decided to use a sticky bar that reminds visitors of the products they have previously browsed and encourages exploration on their website.